Selected Animal Rights Pieces

Animal Rights & The Erosion Of The First Amendment: AETA, Ag-Gag & Why You Should Care (The Huffington Post)

Why Don’t Vegans Care About People? (The Huffington Post)

How The Law Is Failing Our Animals (The Huffington Post)

Why Everyone Should Be Angry About Factory Farming (The Huffington Post)

Is Dairy ‘Natural’? (The Huffington Post)

Why Are We So Horrified Over Horse Meat? (The Huffington Post)


Vegan Secrets (Or Why My Skin Is Always Glowing) (The Huffington Post)

This Is What Vegans Eat (The Huffington Post)

A Healthier Diet Than S.A.D.  (The Huffington Post)

Interest In Vegan Diets On The Rise (The Huffington Post)

Traveling The World…Vegan-Style (The Huffington Post)